Thursday, June 11, 2009


I have just had a terrible week.

We got the field day results today, and white team lost by about 50 points.

But today was Carnival at school, and it was OK. We played games won prizes, all that stuff.

Then came the dancing.

The only dance I knew that the DJ played was the Cotton-eyed Joe. I was so embarrassed, and the people served this awful ice cream.


I hope life gets better.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hi Peoples!!!

Our little Austin puppy grows so fast it really has to hurt!!!

So, I have something cool to tell ya'll.

A week or so ago, my friend Nina and I came to school and had the exact same shirt on.

We didn't even plan it, so is that cool or WHAT?

Today was Field Day at school, and I'm pretty sure we lost.

I also found out that my crush has a girlfriend.

And, my backpack broke.

Let's hope things look up for tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Check Me Out on ourWorld!!

Hi peoples!

OK, ya'll, This is me on ourWorld, a reall fun website. If you join, I get Gems, just like money, so click on through!! (I know, I'm a greedy little swine, aren't I =-) )

If you want to add me to your friends list once you join, my user name is Karamel10 no spaces.

Try it!! (please. I need the gems. Think of the child here blogging to you!)

Bye Peoples!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

I'll Make This Quick...

Hi Peoples!!

It's me, but maybe you knew that.

So, Austin, the new puppy, has DOUBLED in size overnight, again.

My friend Nina is over, so I'll have to make my next statement brief:


See ya!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hooray for Spring!!

Hi Peoples!!!!!!!

Actually, the title just about sums this post up.

So, I have some BIG news. Those of you that know me know that my old dog, Sydney, died the day before Thanksgiving. About 4 weeks ago, we brought home the new puppy.

We named him Austin, and he is the cutest little goober in history.

Sometimes, he'll be playing with Scout, and lose his balance and so a somersault, and you can see some videos of him playing around at

Videography by moi.

My garden is growing, and I still don't have any vegetables of my labor (joke), but I'm sure I will!

Oh, and in case you didn't realize from the date of my last post, it could be a while till my next one. I am now 11. (March 11)

Ciao! (it's bedtime)