Sunday, August 30, 2009

Random Posts

Man, my posts are getting more and more random. Let me know what you think on my comments!!

In other news, my fat kitty, Thomas, has become the king of shedding. It is funny until you realize you've only brushed half of him, and already it has filled up a medium sized Ziploc bag...

More later.

Do the ourWorld thing!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Cell Phone

Guess what, ya'll?

My daddy bought me a cell phone. It is so very cool! It has games and text and a slide out QWERTY keyboard and its also touchscreen. It's blue, too. And, when I'm texting, and I go to the symbol thing, it has all sorts of smiley emotes!

My garden is exploding! EXPLODING, I tell you. And, we think that the mountain of tomatoes will be even bigger than the mountain of cucumbers. (!)

Ya'll, I just love New York, but... I miss Texas. I miss it so much, I'm ready to buy a train ticket back to Austin and live as a hobo.

Ain't iCarly great? I love that show, and my mother does too. It's on Nickalodeon, channel 33, or in HD, its 733.

C U l8r, fellow TXTERS on their new LG XENONS. ;)