Sunday, August 30, 2009

Random Posts

Man, my posts are getting more and more random. Let me know what you think on my comments!!

In other news, my fat kitty, Thomas, has become the king of shedding. It is funny until you realize you've only brushed half of him, and already it has filled up a medium sized Ziploc bag...

More later.

Do the ourWorld thing!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Cell Phone

Guess what, ya'll?

My daddy bought me a cell phone. It is so very cool! It has games and text and a slide out QWERTY keyboard and its also touchscreen. It's blue, too. And, when I'm texting, and I go to the symbol thing, it has all sorts of smiley emotes!

My garden is exploding! EXPLODING, I tell you. And, we think that the mountain of tomatoes will be even bigger than the mountain of cucumbers. (!)

Ya'll, I just love New York, but... I miss Texas. I miss it so much, I'm ready to buy a train ticket back to Austin and live as a hobo.

Ain't iCarly great? I love that show, and my mother does too. It's on Nickalodeon, channel 33, or in HD, its 733.

C U l8r, fellow TXTERS on their new LG XENONS. ;)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Spring has Sprung

Hi Peoples!

It may not load, but there is a picture of an elf below. It also may not load how I imagined her, but you can customize your own. She is in a green tunic (the dress with a belt), has those Greek shoes, I think they're called gladiator shoes, and a bow and arrow, and carrot orange hair, and these two little curlicues at the top of he hair. Try it, She's really cool. Also, peoples, you are probably not able to see all of Arwen, and I don't know how to fix that. Sorry!

This is what I think a real elf should look like, but many people think that elves are girly and Santa's elves are the only real ones. This is from a game called Arwen, at

In other news, I just got back from Germany yesterday! It's beautiful there, and as soon as I figure out how to upload pictures, I'll show ya'll my trip.

Edward went missing and turned up yesterday, and is being the sweetest, most loveable kitty in the world! To see how loveable and looking for petting he could be, I sat in the bathtub (don't worry, it wasn't full of water) and he came and hopped in right next to me! Then, I got the belly, which is where Edward rolls over on his back, and he opens his mouth with his arms in the air. It was really cute!!!

Gosh, ya'll, my garden is out of control! We picked so many cucumbers! And we are gonna have a lot of tomatoes too. Austin keeps growing, and learned how to climb the stairs. Dad said that the first time Austin went up the staurs, he went into my room, and did a double take and hightaileds it out of there once he saw all the animals on my bed. Aww, I love our pets so much!

Bye Peoples!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy Late B-day America!

Hi Peoples!

Happy late Fourth to all of ya'll out there!

I'm getting my first cell phone, does anyone have any ideas? I'm thinking about the LG enV3 from Verizon.

Bye Peoples!

Friday, July 3, 2009


Hi Peoples!

So, I am really excited about Summer, seeing that the sun is out some days, I have at least 10 cucumbers and 2 tomatos in my garden, and I'm getting a cell phone, AND I made it into the advanced math course at school!

Do the ourWorld thing. It's a really cool website and I need the gems, badly.

Bye for now Peoples!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


I have just had a terrible week.

We got the field day results today, and white team lost by about 50 points.

But today was Carnival at school, and it was OK. We played games won prizes, all that stuff.

Then came the dancing.

The only dance I knew that the DJ played was the Cotton-eyed Joe. I was so embarrassed, and the people served this awful ice cream.


I hope life gets better.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hi Peoples!!!

Our little Austin puppy grows so fast it really has to hurt!!!

So, I have something cool to tell ya'll.

A week or so ago, my friend Nina and I came to school and had the exact same shirt on.

We didn't even plan it, so is that cool or WHAT?

Today was Field Day at school, and I'm pretty sure we lost.

I also found out that my crush has a girlfriend.

And, my backpack broke.

Let's hope things look up for tomorrow.