Monday, August 10, 2009

Cell Phone

Guess what, ya'll?

My daddy bought me a cell phone. It is so very cool! It has games and text and a slide out QWERTY keyboard and its also touchscreen. It's blue, too. And, when I'm texting, and I go to the symbol thing, it has all sorts of smiley emotes!

My garden is exploding! EXPLODING, I tell you. And, we think that the mountain of tomatoes will be even bigger than the mountain of cucumbers. (!)

Ya'll, I just love New York, but... I miss Texas. I miss it so much, I'm ready to buy a train ticket back to Austin and live as a hobo.

Ain't iCarly great? I love that show, and my mother does too. It's on Nickalodeon, channel 33, or in HD, its 733.

C U l8r, fellow TXTERS on their new LG XENONS. ;)

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